Gear Garage 101

Who is this program for?

The Gear Garage is designed for anyone who wants to go bike packing but can’t afford the gear. It’s not meant to be an emergency backup option to fill an otherwise complete gear set, it is not intended for backpacking, and it isn’t designed to be a testing program to see if you really want that cool Swift Industries bag.

Are you going to make me prove my income to rent gear?

Nope! The Gear Garage runs on the honor system—if you say you need it, we believe you.

What does the rental cost go towards?

In an ideal world we could offer this program for free, but the reality is that it takes time and supplies to maintain a reliable Gear Garage. Your fees will go towards covering employee labor for gear maintenance and the cost of replacements/repairs.

How long can I rent the gear?

Participants can rent gear for up to 1 week, with an agreed upon return date. There will be added fees for late gear.

I have (a tent/a pad/a rear rack) but I’m missing (x/y/z)

No problem! We designed the Gear Garage to be modular. You can rent what you need a la carte, be it panniers, racks, tents, pads or cookware, or we can get you set up with a complete “kit” for a discounted rate that includes just about everything you need to survive in the woods on your bike. To learn more about pricing, check out the “rent” page.

I’m new to all this—how do I assemble these things?

Great question! Each tent, stove and bag set will come with assembly and use instructions, and we’re happy to go over things in person when you rent as well. We can also install racks and bags on the spot for a $20 fee. Sign up for our Newsletter and follow us on Instagram to be notified about “bike packing” classes.

So…I’m going to be sleeping on/in something someone else has? How do I know the gear isn’t gross?

We take care to clean and maintain each item in between rentals. We require participants to use a provided sleeping bag liner to cut down on wear, and we use gear-appropriate cleaners to ensure items are in good condition for the next user.

What type of aftercare should I do for rented gear?

Thanks for asking! Please bring back all gear in tidy condition the same way it was sent out with all necessary parts. Please Do Not attempt to wash gear (we’ve got a special system) but please Do wipe out bags, make sure you’ve gotten all your socks/hairties/undies out of everything, and shake the dirt out of your tent.

Please let us know if anything was broken or damaged. We promise we won’t get upset, but we need to know so we can fix the gear in order for the next person to have a positive experience.

Ok, I’m loaded up! Where should I go?

There’s tons of intro-friendly bike packing trips you can do from Seattle, and plenty that are just a short drive away. We’ll be filling out more routes under the “Blog” section of the website in the coming year, but in the meantime, feel free to ask anyone working at the shop for their favorite local routes.